Infrared lenses are a great tool for reading marked cards. These lenses can be worn comfortably and are undetectable by the naked eye. These lenses are also cheaper than other marking cards. You can also purchase a pair of these contacts from a variety of online retailers.

These poker marks reading contact lenses do not require soaking in contact solution. You should still follow the instructions for care. This is because these contact lenses can damage your eyes if you don’t follow the proper care procedures. You should only follow the instructions and store them correctly.

These poker mark reading contacts are made using the newest sandwich technologies and laser staining. The lens is made up of three layers. The middle layer has been dyed with invisible pigment. The luminous ink allows people to clearly see the back number and suit of the mark. These poker cheating lenses are designed to cover the pupil completely, avoiding the problem of autofocus under different lighting.

This type of contact lenses can be used with any brand of luminous marked playing cards and works well for all types of marking cards. The only difference is that these lenses are a little darker than regular contacts. Nevertheless, they are still practical products for magic marked decks and poker cheating tricks.

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