There are no shortage of people who claim to lead lives above reproach. They are God fearing and seem honest, and they’re quick to admit when they stray from the straight and narrow. But they’re cheaters at heart — even the ones who say their cheating isn’t “cheating.” They may not be stealing an entire recipe to win the county bake-off, but they probably did a little something extra to get ahead in a competitive situation.

Over the years, casinos have been able to keep a tight lid on card marking. With fewer floor supervisors and a lessened emphasis by management on game protection, cheaters have more opportunities to mark cards.

Marking a playing card involves placing invisible ink onto the back of the card. This ink is not visible by anyone else, even the dealer. There are a variety of ways to mark a card, and they all work differently depending on what type of mark is required. Some of the traditional methods include card bending and chip indentations. The newest high-tech method uses juice dust and other chemical to mark a cards. These are invisible to the naked eyes but visible through special lenses such as IR contact lenses or perspectives sunglasses.

But even the most high-tech ways of marking a card can still be considered cheating. Why? It is because it breaks the game rules and gives a cheater an unfair edge. Be careful if you decide to use invisible ink on a playing card to cheat. It might not be worth it.

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